Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society

Year 2014, Volume 25, Issue 2, Pages 98-100

Original Article

Non-compliance of children with ADHD to outpatient clinic appointments at the Psychiatric Hospital, Kingdom of Bahrain

Dr. Ahmed M.S. Al-Ansari* Maisa Al-Khunaizi**

Author Affiliation

*Consultant Psychiatrist, Ministry of Health, Associate Professor, College of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Arabian Gulf University, Kingdom of Bahrain
**Senior Resident, Ministry of Health, Psychiatric Hospital, Kingdom of Bahrain

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Introduction and Objectives: Non-adherence to clinic appointments by children with ADHD is considered a major obstacle to treatment.The aims of the study were to determine the rate of non-compliance to treatment and to identify the reasons for non attendance, as well as the characteristics of children who did not comply with clinic appointments.

Method: A retrospective cross-sectional survey was undertaken of all children aged 18 years and under who attended the Child Psychiatric Unit, Psychiatric Hospital, Bahrain, from June 2010 until September 2011 and who were subsequently diagnosed with ADHD according to DSM-IV and Conners’ Parent and Teacher checklist (n=53).

Results: More than 60% of the cases did not keep their clinic appointments. Their families were characterized by a higher level of education and social status compared to other parents attending the same clinic. Non-compliant children were characterized by the presence of comorbidity (53%), and were in the older age group.

Discussion and Conclusion: The degree of compliance to outpatient clinic appointments of children with ADHD should be monitored regularly in team meetings. Problems should be analyzed and solved quickly to ensure better compliance. Education of parents and children should be an integral part of the management plan and presented to families as soon as diagnosis is reached.

Keywords: Non–compliance; children; ADHD; Reasons; Bahrain