Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society

Year 2023, Volume 35, Issue 2, Pages 8-20

Original Article

Primary Healthcare Physicians’ Knowledge, Practice, and Attitude Towards Influenza Vaccination of Pregnant Women in Bahrain

Fatema K. Bindayna1, Noora A. AlHammadi1*, Noora K. Bindayna1, Qoot A. Alboainain1, Mustafa M. EzzlArab1, Behnaz E. Tadayyon2

Author Affiliation

1Family Physicians, Ministry of Health, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.

2Consultant Family Physician, Consultant Medical Tutor - Family Residency Program and RCSI, Ministry of Health, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.

*Corresponding Author:

Dr. Noora Ahmed AlHammadi, Family Physician, Ministry of Health, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, Email ID:, Tel. No.: (+973)38881166.

Received date: November 06, 2022; Accepted date: March 23 , 2023; Published date: June 30, 2023

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Background: Pregnancy is associated with immunological and physiological changes in many organ systems. Influenza in pregnancy has been associated with higher rates of morbidity and mortality. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) advocate antenatal influenza vaccination.

Objective: This study aims to assess Primary Healthcare Physicians’ (PHPs) knowledge, practice, and attitude regarding influenza vaccination of pregnant women in Bahrain. Also, to identify the perceived facilitators and barriers to influenza vaccination for pregnant women among PHPs.

Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted in all Primary Health Centers (PHCs) in Bahrain belonging to the Ministry of Health (MOH), which included 25 PHCs and 3 health clinics spread across five health regions. One hundred and nighty -two physicians responded to a survey about their awareness, practice, and attitude about influenza immunization in pregnancy.

Conclusion: In general, physicians agree that influenza vaccination is necessary and safe for all pregnant women, not only those having high-risk pregnancies. Furthermore, good counseling can help overcome many fears or barriers.

Keywords: Bahrain, Counseling, Fear, Female, Influenza, Human, Morbidity, Physicians, Pregnancy, Pregnant women, Vaccination